5 Ways to Cope with Imposter Syndrome

Raise your hand if you were victim of imposter syndrome and allowed a door of opportunity to close during your journey!

I’m guilty too!

When it comes to paving our journey and amplifying our voz, imposter syndrome will be a creeping up once in a while in hopes to stop us.

In today’s blog I want to share with you 5 ways to cope with imposter syndrome, because let’s get real. It’s hard to push aside and ignore imposter syndrome. It’s a whole journey to work through it and defeat it! It’s possible, but it’s not something that disappears overnight.

Throughout my journey of amplifying empowering Latina voices and therapy, I’ve been able to step into my worth and find helpful actions to cope with imposter syndrome when it wants to interrupt and distract me from my path.

Read below to know how I cope with imposter syndrome and I suggest you choose one and run with it! Poco a poquito you’re gonna kick imposter syndrome to the curb!

know you’re not alone

You know that comunidad is important! It’s part of our valores and our work is always focused on inspiring, motivating and guiding our comunidad!

So, it’s no surprise to tell you that leaning into your comunidad makes all the difference. When you open up to your support system about going through imposter syndrome, you’ll be reminded of how far you’ve come in your journey.

Tu gente are the ones that will cheer you on when you’re not feeling like the best person for role you want to amply to, start a podcast, or even start a new hobby.

Imposter syndrome has the tendency of making us forget how far we’ve come from, but when we acknowledge that we’re not alone and lean into our comunidad, we can push aside imposter syndrome with their help and not going through this alone.

list your achievements

When imposter syndrome hits us, we forget everything we accomplished, our skills, our abilities, and who we are as a person.

We can’t allow imposter syndrome to erase our memory of who we are. So, when you’re feeling like saying no to an opportunity or stopping yourself from going after you want, I want you to grab a piece of paper and write down all of your achievements.

Now when you do this, it’s important to write it on paper not on your phone or laptop. Writing down grounds it and helps you remember what you have overcome and achieved.

When you’re done writing your achievements, I want you to put it somewhere you’ll see it. It can be on your laptop or on your wall in front of your desk. You just need to have it where you can easily look at it when you start feeling imposter syndrome kicking in.

let go of perfectionism

As a recovering perfectionism, I will be the first to tell you that this action is HARD!

But when I realized that it’s about the journey and refining my skills, who I am and my abilities instead of perfecting it. WOW! Game changer!

It gave me a whole new perspective to see this as an opportunity that I can use it to learn, deepen my knowledge and skills so when the moment of opportunities or for me to help our comunidad can show up without fear.

embrace your strengths

When imposter syndrome kicks in we don’t recognize our vast strengths.

In those moments, you should embrace them. They make who you are and have helped you throughout your journey. Your strengths have embraced you when you overcome obstacles in your path, when you achieved your goals, when you advocated for yourself and others.

Don’t forget about them when imposter syndrome comes in to rattle you.

say yes to opportunities

We tend to say no or not even give ourselves a chance when imposter syndrome takes control.

The many opportunities we ignore has taken away people, skills, lessons, new experiences, and joys that we could have lived through.

I love saying that we should do things scared and learn along the way. No one started as the expert and only when you say yes to opportunities is when we refine our skills and become the best person for that opportunity. I know imposter syndrome makes us think, “I’m not experienced enough to apply for that role.” Well, apply and start taking a course, attend webinars, read books, ask people who have the same role so you can role and prepare for it!

If you never try and put yourself out there to accept that opportunity, you will never learn!

Don’t rob yourself from an opportunity that could have given your life more joy. You deserve better than that!

Let me know which action you’re going to take to cope with imposter syndrome in the comments below!