Why Mindset Matters When Recording Your Podcast

When you're planning to launch or produce your podcast, the last thing you consider is your mindset.

Let me tell you that your mindset matters when recording your podcast episodes. You owe it to yourself and your listeners to show up with confidence in every episode.

You might be feeling nervous, or your voice is shaky right when you are about to record a solo or guest episode.


I was in your same position back when I was 18 and began recording in Spanish for my first radio show, and then again when I started my first podcast back in 2017, and then it surfaced when I launched Ellas!

When you step out of your comfort zone, it’s normal to feel anxiety and nerves. You’re doing something new and gaining experience in a new medium!

Recording a podcast episode for the first time is awkward, and it's normal. You're trying something new, and no one comes out as the expert for the first time.

In today’s blog, I’ll be sharing helpful ways to show up with confidence, working on your mindset, and digging deep on why you might be feeling that fear when you’re about to hit the record button.

why are you feeling those nerves?

So before we even start, let’s tackle the big emotions and find the root of why your hands start sweating when you’re going to record that podcast episode.

You might be feeling imposter syndrome or fear of judgment. 

Podcasting is an intimate medium and if you’re feeling imposter syndrome or fear of judgment, your listeners will detect your nerves when your voice is shaking. A shaky voice is all well and good when the story needs it, but when you’re asking questions or sharing your point, that’s the last thing your audience wants. You don’t want to discourage them to stop and not listen. 

So, I’ll ask you again, why are you feeling imposter syndrome?

Remember no one is an expert on their first time. Do you feel imposter syndrome because you don’t feel prepared?

Well, I suggest doing the “big” work beforehand. If you need to research, do it in a way that helps YOU. If you learn things by watching a video, listening to an audiobook, or making slides, then do that. If you’re going to interview a guest, then prepare your questions beforehand and know everything you need to know about them before you have them on your show. 

Preparing is a great way to combat your imposter syndrome and helps you feel you’re on your game when recording. Practice refines your hosting skills! I’m not a believer of practice makes perfect. I do believe that when you practice and do things more than once, you will refine your skill and be better at it. 

I now have ten years of hosting experience, but back when I was 18, I had zero experience talking in front of a microphone, and I was so insecure in my Spanish. I thought I had an accent, and it terrified me to speak into a microphone while recording a live radio show. Fast forward to 2017, when I decided to start my film podcast, Totally Fandom, with my friend and co-host, I was scared because I didn’t know “how to podcast” only how to do a radio show, and then when I started Ellas, I felt a little bit insecure because it had been years since I had interviewed people (something I had done for many years when living and working in Mexico). 

Looking back, I realize now that was my fears and insecurities taking over, but I ignored them and prepared, researched, practiced, and leaned into my passion and skills. 

Which brings me to my next question, why do you feel people will judge you?

The beauty of podcasting is that your listeners will connect with the way you talk - no matter if you have an accent (hello younger Brenda!). 

Are you judging yourself before you're giving yourself a chance? 

Do not deprive yourself of experiencing a new opportunity to grow as a person by recording your podcast. Share these feelings with your support system, loved ones, or therapist. You are not alone and should express what you’re feeling, but don’t stop yourself before you even try.

Do it scared, you can always delete and re-record! No one has to know you uploaded the 50th version as your first episode. But if you want to avoid wasting time, then here are some helpful actions to get your mindset right when recording your podcast.


Working on your mindset is a constant habit that you’ll need to work on. 

So, take a deep breath, and let it out! Now, hit record, and if you’re doing a solo episode wait for a second to start talking. You can always edit out that part out ;)

If you’re recording with a guest, then do your research about them and have your questions in a notebook or Google Doc, so you can always go back when you need them. 

And if you’re self-confidence is on the low when interviewing a guest, don’t be! They are a human being just like you. They have gone through their obstacles, fears, achievements, and lessons. They are sharing their time to talk with you, and to provide value to your listeners. Trust me not many people say yes to a podcast interview, so make them feel welcomed because they’re just like you.  

Be patient with yourself podcasting is a journey of trial and error and you'll get better with every episode. Show up with abundance and empathy for yourself. You are learning to express yourself through a new medium and connecting with your audience with your voice. It can be daunting, but so rewarding when you hit publish!

Without these two important elements, you’ll doubt yourself, grow desperate and give up. I don’t want you to give up! We need more Latina podcasters in this space and we are craving for your show and voice!

Changing your mindset changes your life

I’ll let you in on a little secret. During the lockdown, like everyone, I was feeling at my worst. I was burned out, depressed, and powerless. I didn’t believe in my voice, and I felt like a fraud. Here I was amplifying Latina voices and feeling like I didn’t have a voice. 

I was in a bad place until a horrible experience happened that pushed me to seek professional help, and I found a therapist that was able to help me find the root of the problem. To find my voice again and listen to it. A path that ultimately led me to start Ellas Media

The thing is, I was tired of feeling powerless, stressed, and burned out. I had enough, and I wanted to find myself again. I was proactive and ready for a change, and it meant changing my mindset.

It only takes that one step, but that step is powerful. I worked with my therapist. I actively showed up for myself in every aspect of my life with empathy and abundance. I pushed aside things and people that affected my emotional well-being led me to open new doors, experience new opportunities, meet new people and learn lessons.

I found power in my voice, and I can share that with you. Show up for yourself and work on your self-confidence. That can be by prepping before recording, taking deep breaths, or opening up to your support system. But you owe it to yourself and your listeners to fully show up powerful and ready for your episodes. And if you need any more help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

You got this!

check out the video portion of this topic